NG3011 - 1/4" to 1/2" Vexar® Workgrade Sleeves - Box of 16,400 4" Pieces
SKU: NG3011-4
Product Description
Breathable Plastic Mesh Sleeves - Box of 16,400
- 4-inch long pieces
- Diameter range of 1/4-inch to 1/2-inch.
- Nominal .374-inch lay flat width with 12 knots (joints) around circumference
- Noncorrosive protection for valuable parts and surfaces.
- Available in boxes of 16,400
- Optional heat sealing on one end also available on request
Nominal Specifications
Color: Yellow
Diameter: 1/4" to 1/2"
FDA Compliance: FDA Non-Compliant
Grade: Work Grade
Hole Size (in): 4-inch long pieces
L opening (in): 0.525
Resin (material): Low Density Polyethylene
NameColorDiameterRoll Length (ft)PriceOptions